This was my hardest Thanksgiving ever. No Holiday will ever be the same without Nicole. All I have ever wanted for holidays was to have all my children home and safe. It was hard when Justin was in Afghanistan, but this is so much worse. There is a huge hole in my heart that will never be filled.
It's strange the way such acute pain can highlight the love felt for those still here. I am so blessed to have my family and friends. So many rallied around me to help me through Thanksgiving. Audra came over to bake cookies, Alex had the house full of friends, Em came to check on me, Claire secretly invited her, Takara tried to enfold us in her family's love to get us through and my brother's family Rick, Monica and Melissa hosted us at their first Thanksgiving ever in their house. We were bombarded with Thanksgiving greetings, by e-mail and snail mail. It was a wonderful couple of days. I am grateful for the loves in my life here and gone. I was so lucky to have had my parents and daughter even if I will not get more time with them. They were so amazing. I am so much the better for having known them and still loving them.
Happy Thanksgiving my friends.