My son isn't feeling well today. He had a long weekend working on locomotives with my husband in Campo at Pacific Southwest Railroad Museum. They finished an Alco engine they had been working on for 3 years. This is a Fairbanks Morse engine they just started. Does he look miserable to you? I think he likes it. He does look pretty miserable today. Here's a double brugmansia blooming in the yard earlier this month. These are alpacas from Adobe and Pines bed and breakfast we stayed at in Taos. I thought this door at the Pueblo was pretty cool.
Yeah, I know she's 23. And it's only about an hour from here...but it seems like a very big move. My youngest daughter and I helped with the move so we got to see the new apartment. It's lovely. I think they will be very happy there. I hope we still see her pretty often.
More flowers blooming today. It was hot and dry in the 90s. The falls on the iris have dried out. Maybe I'll be able to get a couple new photos of iris tomorrow morning when the flowers aren't heat and wind damaged yet. I felted my first amigurumi kitten today at school. He is so cute. I have got to make some more. Our mascot at school is a cougar so I've drawn up a pattern for an amigurumi cougar. I have a pattern for a skunk I want to do soon too. LightShine Role Model World ??? Dendrobium Orchid 'Kobai' My first knitted amigurumi tabby kitty. He's a little uneven and still needs a face. I got the pattern ro CraftyAlien on Etsy. I love her designs.
Okay, there is definitely more going on in my yard than in my life right now. You might have guessed I was really into irises a while back. I even have maps and names of where they all are planted. I've been lazy looking up the names while I've blogged them, maybe I'll get around to it soon. I am pretty sure I know where all my maps are...In the meantime, here are the ones starting to bloom today. You caught me. This is not an iris but a snowball bush. They'll turn white soon, but I like them better green.
Here are some of the mobius baskets I made last year. I made these for my sister-in-law's shop, but forgot to take pictures before I delivered them off. She has changed venues so I get them back! These are a couple of my favorites. I love the way the Landscapes yarn felted!
In honor of Earth Day here are pictures of what is blooming today. Irises and orchids. If we could all just remember to see the beauty in the world and each other. It is a miracle we are here at all. The vast diversity of life on our planet is something to be revered. I am grateful to be here enjoying my family and friends in a lush, beautiful world. The Earth has the potential to be recycled and rebirthed continually. Today is a new start. Yet the events of last week haunt me. The waste of hatred and destruction...The school my children attend and where I teach has had similar problems the past week. Harrassment, anger and hatred came to the surface and a young man's life will never be the same. My son is his friend, so he will never be the same either. At least nobody was hurt physically. These behaviors injure us all. I just can't shake this feeling. I wish I had the power to stop hatred before it scarred anyone. These kids are early and pre-teens. These are not the experiences they should have to process yet. There are years to go for them in this society. They already are losing hope. What do I do to change that?
Here's the terrific geode slice necklace I found at the mineral shop in Taos. Isn't it gorgeous? I found a great pair of amber earrings, and some silver bracelets. A couple of them were from tourist shops in Santa Fe, while two came from one of the Taos Pueblo shops. The man selling them was one of the few shops there that carry their own handmade jewelry. He had items made by himself, his brother, his father, and a friend. I fell in love with the feather bracelets. They were made by his friend. I wish I'd found something that inspired me that he'd made. He seemed like a cool guy. We were able to watch him work with his torch on a piece when we went in.