Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day here are pictures of what is blooming today. Irises and orchids.
If we could all just remember to see the beauty in the world and each other. It is a miracle we are here at all. The vast diversity of life on our planet is something to be revered. I am grateful to be here enjoying my family and friends in a lush, beautiful world. The Earth has the potential to be recycled and rebirthed continually. Today is a new start.
Yet the events of last week haunt me. The waste of hatred and destruction...The school my children attend and where I teach has had similar problems the past week. Harrassment, anger and hatred came to the surface and a young man's life will never be the same. My son is his friend, so he will never be the same either. At least nobody was hurt physically. These behaviors injure us all. I just can't shake this feeling. I wish I had the power to stop hatred before it scarred anyone. These kids are early and pre-teens. These are not the experiences they should have to process yet. There are years to go for them in this society. They already are losing hope. What do I do to change that?

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