Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two new projects and lots of cooking

I've been in the mood to finish things for a while rather than starting new projects. All of a sudden I want to cast on again. So I did.

This is my Dream Swatch. I am using Lion brand Incredible. I have several balls of this that need using and it is a pretty colorway.

These are my attempt at Sidewinder socks. I am using KnitPicks Bare that I hand dyed a few months ago. I am not at all sure they will fit when I am done. If they don't I guess someone will be getting a pretty pair of socks for Christmas.
Spent hours baking pumpkin and making pie and breads and soup and roasted pumpkin seeds. Hmmm, is that all I ended up making? Of course I had to go grocery shopping in the midst of it all.
I love extra days off on the weekends. It gives me the feeling that I can do what I really want. Just can't wait til Thanksgiving week when I have the whole week off, well not counting cooking some more.

1 comment:

old lady said...

The coloring in the Dream swatch is so pretty - the colors and pattern compliment each other! Nice choice.