Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have been having so much fun using my FaceBook account lately. I've had the account for a long time, but until my cousin found me on it, then I found a close family friend, and then a couple of friends from work I really wasn't doing much with it. Now I have the app on my i-phone and get notified whenever anyone posts. I am sending good karma to friends and have more of a reason to go through the boxes and boxes of photos I have from my childhood. It's kind of like revisiting people I used to know and have sorely missed. It's also remembering who I was long before who I am. I get a chance to reconnect those parts of myself that have been left behind while growing up. Maybe not left behind, but not expressed in a long time. It feels great!
Due to my cousin's question about a picture I posted I have also found another cousin (on MySpace) and learned that my uncle is still alive and living in the same town as he was 11 years ago when we stopped hearing from him and our mail was returned. So I am sure an interesting story or two in our lives will come from all of this.

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