Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Innisfree is not a town in New York

Innisfree is our camp on Seventh Lake in the Adirondacks. It has a main house and a garage with a one bedroom apartment over it. It is next door to Cool-Shag-Na, the camp my grandfather had rebuilt when it burned down the year after they bought it. We weren't clear when we told our friend Robert about it. He thought it was a town. The town does start with an "I", Inlet.
We have been very busy here. The bathroom in the Crow's Nest just needs to have the water and septic pipes attached, shower doors or curtains and the last couple of adjustments made to attach the toilet, sink and pipes to their final spots. The contractor has been here to go over the plan for a septic system and a well. We just have to wait through the 4th of July holiday for everyone to get back out here. That will be a major undertaking after which we should be ready to rent out the Crow's Nest. This is the path to the Crow's Nest

In Innisfree's kitchen, what was used as counters has been dismantled and we are ready to go find our counters. We have discovered a pretty cool wood floor under the linoleum in the kitchen and have started (more than half way done) taking the tiles off. It's got so much glue left on it you stick to the floor when you walk. Today one of my shoes came off as I was trying to take a step. That has necessitated using paint thinner to release the glue. The floors are definitely distressed, but it's still better than the broken linoleum tiles. We have a lot of steelwooling to do to get the marks left around the tiles off.

Last but not least, my husband has got his gas powered ice cream maker working.
We have a lot of thanks to send to Robert Dowling. He had to go home to deal with his own life today. Without him most of this would not have even been started. I hope he had a little fun while he was here.

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