Friday, December 29, 2006

What I do with my free time

With Christmas over and winter break in full swing I have more time on my hands than I've had in a very long time. I've never had any trouble filling my time. Today I continued work on the endpaper mitts. I went to Yarn Deli to get help getting started on the color work. Later, it was recommended that I re-rinse the teal yarn I dyed. I really don't want to have dye running into the second color on the mitts, so I unknit the color work and re-rinsed the yarn. I started on another pair that will be light green with navy blue. I just couldn't wait to make a pair of these wonderful "gloves."

Didn't go to the knitting circle at Enchanted Unicorn tonight. I feel a cold coming on. I did some more yarn dyeing. I just LOVE playing with the colors! I do need practice with amount of dye though...tonight I had one batch that is still bleeding yellow dye. It's all experimental, but I hope my results aren't too bad.

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