Thursday, October 25, 2007

I feel so stupid

I finally got so overwhelmed by school and the class I am taking, that I called for a sub for the day to spend some time finding and going to get the required text(that Amazon said they could deliver by Tuesday and then told me Wednesday, then next Wednesday) and read it, design the activity I have to do with my class by tomorrow, and write a short reflection on changes I can make in my teaching to support my special population of GATE students. That is only the academic part of it. I also have to round up Halloween decorations for the Fat Friday spread our team is putting on tomorrow. Not to mention the quickly approaching end of term exams that I have yet to teach all the concepts for. Did I say I am overwhelmed?
The only book that was available was in Montclair, about 40 minutes away. I took the kids to school, met with the sub, got everything set up for the day, came home, had coffee with my husband, then headed for Montclair. When I got there I found that I had forgotten my wallet(with my cell phone) by the phone at home. I called good ole hubby(thanks to B&N letting me use their phone) to see if I could put the book on my credit card instead of going all the way home. It would have worked, but they can't key in Debit cards. So I had to call again. He didn't answer. Then he called there (Luckily I left the number next to the phone when I called to have them hold he book.) Then hubby couldn't read the code on the back of the credit card(he had been carrying the card in his wallet and the code had rubbed off). So I had to drive the 40 minutes back home, pick up my wallet and drive back, pick up the book and then drive home again. I have managed to read 1 1/2 chapters so far. I have about 20 minutes before I have to go pick up the kids. They have a dance today after school. The smoke around here is so thick that the sun looks red and I have a headache. I wish I had time for a nap. Here are views of the hills above us and on the way to school.

Good News
I got replacements for my broken KA needles today. I can definitely recommend SpinBlessing for great customer service.I was able to get started on a new pair of socks while stuck with my needle problem.

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