Friday, March 23, 2007

The Farm Lottery

We have a wonderful group of schools near us based upon Maria Montessori's methods. My youngest two children both attended one of them through 5th grade. They then each came to my public school for 6th grade. My son is enamored with the bands and music education at my school and wants to continue on to our high school where there is a very talented music teacher with two guitar degrees. My daughter, despite having an eventful year (being on the championship winning volleyball team and being in two plays in drama), would really like to go back to most of her friends. In order to do so we have had to enter the lottery for entry to "The Farm."
The Farm is an actual farm based upon Montessori's ideal environment for adolescents. The Farm seeks to be self-supporting and provide a quality education in a nurturing community. I have long yearned to be part of this experience myself.
So..., last night was the lottery. My daughter was drawn as the first person on the waitng list after the guaranteed slots were filled in her grade level. Unfortunately for us two other students on the waiting list had siblings who were accepted to the school, so they were moved to the highest slots on the waiting list. Since the school is conservative in the number of guaranteed slots we do have an excellent chance of our daughter being accepted as we approach the end of the school year. We still probably will have to wait with baited breath to find out whether some of her friends who were farther down on the waiting list are able to attend. She is still very excited.

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