Saturday, March 24, 2007

San Diego Orchid Show

Went to see the San Diego Orchid show at the Scottish Rite Center in Mission Valley today. My friend Leigh Ann, my daughter, and I drove down especially to hang out with Ramona. She is the coolest!
Here's Islander Delights - Ramona Wilson's Display - LOVE her Australian dendrobiums!!!
One of Dispays as you enter the show

Here are a few of my favorites as I looked around the show. It smelled as good as it looked in there. You should have smelled my car on the way home with all our fragrant new orchids. Too bad mine will have to compete with the jasmine blooming on my front porch.

Here are Leigh Ann and Ramona at her Islander Delights booth. See those Australian dendrobiums behind them? I can attest to the hardiness of these wonderful orchids. Mine have been neglected with little water or fertilizer and were outside for the duration of our cold winter this year and I still have spikes coming from almost every one of them. Ramona grows them beautifully so she's got clouds of these little blooms around her.

Met my friends Ginger and Rick at Fillipi's in Little Italy for pizza and antipasto. Wow, this place has become very popular. This is the line as we left. There is a line all the way throught the store to the restaurant in back as well as all the people you see out front.

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