Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday at Last!

We made it through the week. My son came down with a bug on Monday and had a fever til Wednesday. The rest of us picked up varying degrees of the bug, but managed to make it through our work/school week without missing any days. Rehearsal for the play at school is getting pretty intense so my daughter can't miss any rehearsals. I'm glad she felt well enough to carry on. I am really glad we got home to rest. I took a nap from 5ish to 7ish before fixing everyone chicken noodle soup and cornbread. This afternoon was damp and cool...not at all like our normal weather. Soup for dinner was just the ticket.
Worked more on my entrelac bag. I have to figure out the brioche stitch for the back now. Am finishing the other tan sock now. All the knitting is done, now just the kitchenering.

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