Friday, June 8, 2007

Seven Random Facts meme

The rules:
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog. Here are my facts:

!. I live in an 1897 Victorian house that was once on the "What not to do to a Victorian" tour. I figured since I like Victorian houses and have some aesthetic sense there wasn't anything I could do to make it worse. Of course I've really done nothing to change it either. (Someone along the way had chopped off the attic and put on a flat roof. Not a good look for a Victorian. A couple of owners before me replaced it.)

2. I have always loved antiques. Having them around feels like connection to ancestors and the past. Now that my parents are gone and I am holding onto family antiques for the next generation I can't wait to be free and have starkly modern clean lines in my surroundings.

3. I am a clutterbug. Though being a knitter and having a huge stash really isn't foreign to the clutterbug concept is it?

4. I went to college in Hawaii. I felt at that time it was my place on Earth. I learned that I wouldn't get very far always at the beach so came home to Southern California (and hung out at the beach some more)

5. I don't wear rings. I used to wear an engagement and wedding ring and a gift from my husband and one of my mother's rings and one made for me from a really cool old aquamarine my grandmother had bought on "the tour". Then I had to start deciding which rings to wear because there were getting to be too many. I was bent out of shape by the institution of marriage for one reason or another and decided that symbols that label me were not something I wanted to wear anymore. I would, day by day, maintain or reject relationships or memories without a physical symbol tying me to certain labels, actions, or personas.

6. I don't recognize the person I see in the mirror.

7. I used to garden a lot. Now I am lucky that I planted some cool plants that don't take much care. I get a nice surprise when some pretty flower pops up again.

I wasn't specifically tagged. I read GoshDarnKnit's blog and was one of those internet readers she said was tagged. I don't believe I have the duty to tag other people due to the impersonal nature of her tagging...

Don't forget World Wide Knit in Public (WW KIP) Day tomorrow. I'll be in Riverside with other knitters in front of the Theatre at Riverside Plaza off Central Ave. See you there!

Allison Kennedy --


A person who has the ability to be invisible

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

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