Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sunday at the pool

The boys have been working on the pool. It looks like we'll have to get a professional to come check the damage done. Lovely aye?
Not much more happening. Trying to get things done in time for summer. Checked out Close Knit to find some cool superwash for an throw I want to make while driving cross country. I thought it'd be cool to make stops in different states to add to the throw as we go. A trip momento so to speak. I found a pattern for a giant crochet granny square. Didn't find the right yarn yet. I want a bright worsted weight superwash in "California colors". I think of Maxfield Parrish sunsets as California colors. I may have to do my own dyeing to get the colors I want. I don't want to risk something that would felt or shrink. With a family no doubt it would end up in the washer and ruined.
I knit a little on the water bottle carrier/purse. It's been ignored in my bag for a couple of weeks. Have a couple of projects that could use finishing. I am starting to get antsy to design something new.

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